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The Scotsman

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"The Scotsman" chess column

Xie Jun – N Gurieli
Europe vs. Asia (1), King’s Indian Attack

1.e4 e6 2.d3 d5 3.Sd2 c5 4.g3 Sc6 5.Lg2 Sf6 6.Sgf3 Le7 7.0-0 0-0 8.Te1 dxe4 9.dxe4 e5 10.c3 h6 11.Dc2 Le6 12.Sf1 c4 13.Td1 Da5 14.Se3 Tad8 15.Te1 b5 16.Sf5 Lxf5 17.exf5 e4 18.Sd2 Lc5 19.Sxe4 Sxe4 20.Dxe4 Tde8 21.Dxe8 Txe8 22.Txe8+ Kh7 23.Lxc6 Db6 24.Lf3 Lxf2+ 25.Kg2 Lg1 26.Te2 a5 27.Lf4 Lc5 28.Td1 b4 29.Te8 bxc3 30.Tdd8 g6 31.Th8+ Kg7 32.Le5+ f6 33.Tdg8+
(Kf7 34.Ld5+ Ke7 35.Th7#) 1-0

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